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Depression and Community Reintegration Post Stroke

Depression is a common complication post-stroke affecting approximately one-third of patients. The presence of post-stroke depression has been associated with decreases in functional recovery, social activity and cognition. In addition, the presence of mental health disorders following stroke may be associated with increased mortality. This chapter discusses the prevalence, natural history and risk factors for post-stroke depression as well as issues around its assessment and impact on rehabilitation outcomes.

Medical Complications Post Stroke

Medical issues post stroke are those which are within the domain of the doctor and the nurses, but are unrelated to secondary stroke prevention. Not only do these complications occur relatively frequently, but they have also been shown to contribute to poor outcome. As such, an understanding of these disorders is critically important to stroke care and management.

Cognitive Rehabilitation

Risk for developing dementia may be up to 10 times greater among individuals with stroke than for those without. In this chapter, we examine issues around the definition, prevalence and natural history of post-stroke cognitive impairment as well as its clinical consequences. Risk factors for cognitive impairment are reviewed and the association between the treatment of hypertension and prevention of cognitive decline and dementia is explored.

Motor Rehabilitation (Upper Extremity)

Upper extremity complications are common following stroke and may be seriously debilitating. Regaining mobility in the upper extremities is often more difficult than in lower extremities, which can seriously impact the progress of rehabilitation. This chapter provides current information regarding upper extremity interventions. Topics include robotic devices for movement therapy, virtual reality technology, spasticity treatment, EMG/biofeedback, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, functional electric stimulation, and hand edema treatment.

Motor Rehabilitation (Lower Extremity)

Rehabilitation techniques of sensorimotor complications post stroke fall loosely into one of two categories; the compensatory approach or the restorative approach. The goal of the compensatory approach towards treatment is not necessarily on improving motor recovery or reducing impairments but rather on teaching patients a new skill, even if it only involves pragmatically using the non-involved side (Gresham et al. 1995).

Brain Reorganization, Recovery and Organized Care

Essential to stroke rehabilitation is the accurate diagnosis and management of neurological deficits. Stroke affects the physical, psychological, and emotional health of the patient and often results in long-term disability. As well, stroke severity and location can impact the brain's mechanisms of reorganization and the patient's rehabilitation needs. Effective stroke rehabilitation programs are characterised by an interdisciplinary team working cohesively and closely to provide a comprehensive rehabilitation program for each patient.


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